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Assam Police Admit Card - PST & PET for Constable (AB/UB) Posts (03-10-2024 Onwards)

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24-09-2024 Assam Police Admit Card - PST & PET for Constable (AB/UB) Posts (03-10-2024 Onwards) Exam Dates,Admit Cards 13-10-2024

Assam Police Admit Card - PST & PET for Constable (AB/UB) Posts (03-10-2024 Onwards)

Assam Police has officially released call letters for the Physical Standard Test (PST) and Physical Efficiency Test (PET) scheduled to commence on 03-10-2024 for the positions of Constable (AB/UB). Candidates who have applied for the relevant test and have been provisionally deemed eligible to participate in the examination can now access their admit cards through the designated online facility.

It is imperative for candidates to carry their admit cards to the examination venue, along with any other required documents specified in the admit card for identity verification purposes. Candidates are strongly advised to arrive at the venue well in advance of the allotted time to ensure a smooth check-in process and to avoid any last-minute complications.


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