TANUVAS Exam Date - DEO, Technical Assistant, Junior Engineer and Various Posts (Dec 2-6, 2020)
Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS) has given exam date for the posts of Data Entry Operator, Technical Assistant (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical), Sanitary Inspector, Steno Typist, Electrician, Assistant Draughtsman, Binder, Machine Operator, Wireman, Farm Manager, Junior Engineer, High Tension Operator, Technician, Offset Assistant, Driver, Carpenter. Written test will be held in between
02-12-2020 to 06-12-2020 at Madras Veterinary College, Vepery, Chennai – 600 007. Hall tickets will be sent to the individual candidate through the Email ID provided by them in their application. Candidates need to report at the venue at their prescribed alloted time slot.
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