Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) has issued admit cards for the Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers, scheduled to take place on 27-02-2025. This examination is being conducted for the recruitment of candidates to teaching positions.
Applicants who have submitted their forms for the respective posts and have been deemed provisionally eligible for the selection process can now access their admit cards using their login credentials.
The admit card is a mandatory document for entry into the examination hall. Candidates must bring it along with a valid identity proof, as specified in the admit card, for verification purposes.
It is advised that candidates arrive at the examination center well in advance of the scheduled time to prevent any last-minute inconveniences.
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Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) has issued Final answer keys for test held on July 23-24, 2022, for Rajasthan Eligibility Examination (REET 2022). Candidates who had appeared in concerned exam, may now check answer keys and get an overview of their performance In concerned Exam. Concerned keys have been published after considering Objections, if any were raised previously. Result will be prepared as per Final Answer Keys and concerned candidates will be informed accordingly, through proper channel.
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Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) has issued provisional answer keys along with objection submission facility for written test held on July 23-24, 2022, for Rajasthan Eligibility Examination (REET). Candidates who had appeared in concerned exam, may now check answer keys and get an overview of their performance In concerned Exam. Objections, if any, can also be raised through the given facility, by 24-08-2022. Upon review, final answer keys will be published and results will be announced later, as per finalized answer keys.
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Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) has made available previous question paper of Rajasthan Eligibility Examination (REET 2021). Concerned exam was held on July 23-24, 2022. Candidates, those are preparing for mentioned competitive written examination, may now obtain paper of previous examination to know pattern of written test and start preparing for exam accordingly. Candidates may also test themselves and check their status of preparation. Candidates will be intimated about further recruitment examination, as it gets issued.
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Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) has issued Final answer keys for Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test (REET) held on 26-09-2021. Candidates who had appeared in concerned exam, may now check answer keys and get an overview of their performance In concerned Exam. Concerned keys have been published after considering Objections, if any were raised previously. Result will be prepared as per Final Answer Keys and concerned candidates will be informed accordingly, through proper channel.
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Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) has issued provisional answer keys along with objection submission facility for written test held on 26-09-2021, for Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test (REET). Candidates who had appeared in concerned exam, may now check answer keys and get an overview of their performance In concerned Exam. Objections, if any, can also be raised through the given facility. Upon review, final answer keys will be published and results will be announced later, as per finalized answer keys.
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