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Murshidabad District Court Recruitment 2025 LDC, Peon and Various 50 Posts Application Form

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Post Date Info Last Date
24-11-2018 50 LDC, Peon and Various 15-12-2018

About this Job Notification

Posted on: 24-11-2018Ends On: 15-12-2018
Class: PSU Jobs
Qualifications: Matriculation(10th), Ex-Servicemen
Experience Type: Fresher
Tenure Type: Permanent
States: West Bengal

Murshidabad District Court Recruitment 2018 LDC, Peon and Various 50 Posts Application Form

Murshidabad District Court (Murshidabad District Court) invites applications exclusively from all eligible candidates for recruitment to 50 posts of LDC, Peon and Various. The appointment will initially be made on purely temporary basis which is likely to be made permanent, for all categories of posts.

Duly filled Hard copy of application should be submitted to given address on or before last date of 15-12-2018 . Before filling form, candidates must make sure meeting eligibility criteria for applied post.


Posts & Eligibility Norms :

Post Vacancy Age Qualification Salary
English Stenographer, Gr.- B 2 max 40 yrs Madhayamik or equivalent examination pass and minimum speed @ 80 w.p.m. in Shorthand and a minimum speed @ 30 w.p.m. in typewriting Rs. 7100 - 37,600 + GP 3900
Bengali Stenographer, Gr.-B 3 max 40 yrs Madhayamik or equivalent examination pass and minimum typing speed of 10 minutes @ 20 w.p.m. in Bengali and a minimum speed @ 60 w.p.m. in Bengali shorthand Rs. 7100 - 37,600 + GP 3900
Lower Division Clerk, Gr.-C 9 max 40 yrs Madhayamik or equivalent examination pass and Typing on Computer at the speed of 35 words per minutes in English and 25 words per minutes in Bengali Rs. 5,400 – 25,200/-, Grade Pay- 2600
Process Server/Summon Bailiff, Gr.-D 6 max 40 yrs VIII pass certificate Rs. 5,400 – 25,200/-, Grade Pay- 2300
Peon/ Farash/ Night Guard., Gr.-D 30 max 40 yrs VIII pass certificate Rs. 4900 – 16,200/-, Grade Pay-1700/-

*For further details, candidates must check the official notification.


Important Dates :

Due date for Submission of Application : 15-12-2018 .


Criteria of Engagement :

Selection process will consist of written examination and skill test/ personality test. Eligible candidates will be called for written exam and on the basis of written exam marks, candidates will be shortlisted for personality test/ interview.


Fee Structure :

The application fee for the posts of Group B & C category is Rs 250/- for General category and Rs 100/- & Rs 75/- respectively for SC/ST candidates only and for Group-D post the application fee is Rs 100/- for General category and Rs. 75/- & Rs. 50/- respectively for SC/ST candidates only.


Procedure to Apply :

Application form to be sent along with recent passport size photograph in the space provided in the application form and accompanied with relevant documents before 15-12-2018 . Candidate must submit ionly one aopplication. Make sure to attach all related experience certificates

Superscribe on the Envelope as "Application for the position of ____"


Address to send applications :

office of the District Judge, Murshidabad.


Related :

This Job Notification has Expired. It has been Kept for Candidates' Reference Only.

Murshidabad District Court Recruitment 2015 Stenographer and Various 56 Posts Application Form

Murshidabad District Court (Murshidabad District Court) invites Online/Offline applications from all eligible Indian candidates for recruitment to 56 permanent posts of Stenographer and Various.

Application form duly filled in, along with all relevant documents is to be submitted by 21-05-2016 to the given address. Before applying, the candidate should ensure that she/he fulfils all the eligibility conditions.

Applicants may also apply online fill in the basic details viz. Name, Father's name, Date of Birth, e-mail Address and Mobile number etc. on or before 21-05-2016.


Vacancies & Eligibility Criteria:

Post Vacancy Age Qualification Salary
English Stenographer,Gr.-B 5 18-40 yrs Madhayamik or equivalent examination with Certificate in Computer Training and typing speed of 80 w.p.m. in Shorthand and a minimum speed of 30 w.p.m. in typewriting Rs.7,100-37,600+GP 3900
Bengali Stenographer Gr.-B 3 Madhayamik or equivalent examination with Certificate in Computer Training and typing speed of 20 w.p.m. in Bengali 60 w.p.m. in Bengali shorthand Rs.7,100-37,600+GP 3900
Lower Division Clerk Gr-C 13 Madhayamik or equivalent examination with Certificate in Computer Training and speed of 35 words per minutes in English and 25 words per minutes in Bengali Rs.5,400-25,200+GP 2600
English Typist/Copyist Gr-C 6 Madhayamik or equivalent examination with Certificate in Computer Training and typing speed of 30 w.p.m. in English Rs.5,400-25,200+GP 2600
Bengali Typist/Copyist Gr-C 1 Madhayamik or equivalent examination with Certificate in Computer Training and typing speed of 20 w.p.m. in Bengali Rs.5,400-25,200+GP 2600
Process Server/Summon Bailiff, Gr.-D 5 8th class passed Rs.5,400-25,200+GP 2600
Peon/ Farash/ Night Guard., Gr.-D 20 8th class passed Rs.4900-16,200+ GP1700
Karmabandhu , Gr.-D (Sweeper) 3 8th class passed Rs.4900-16,200+ GP1700

* candidates have to check the official notice.


Dates to Consider:

Completed applications must be received by : 21-05-2016 .


Mode of Recruitment :

Selection For Lower Division Clerk: Selection will be based on examination shall consist of two parts viz. Part-I and Part-II.Part-I will carry 100 marks having 100 questions. Those candidates will qualify in Part-I Examination they will called for Part-II Examination.

Selection For English Typist-Copyist: Selection will be based on Preliminary Examination and Main Examination (Type test). and for all other post selecation will be based on written test & typing test.


Fee Structure :

Application fee of Rs. 250/- for the posts Group B & C category category (Rs. 100/- & Rs. 75/- respectively for SC/ST candidates only) and Rs. 100 for Group-D category (Rs. 75/- & Rs. 50/- respectively for SC/ST candidates only) is to be paid by Demand Draft in the name of “ The District Judge, Murshidabad” payable at Berhampore.


How to Apply :

Candidates may submit applications for these 56 contractual posts of Stenographer and Various in Murshidabad District Courtin prescribed format. Completed applications must be received on or before the last date of 21-05-2016 along with all relevant documents like attested mark lists, merit certificate (if any) etc to given address.

Outer cover should be superscribed as "Application for the post of ___".



The District Judge, Murshidabad at Berhampore (W.B.), PIN-742101.


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