RRC NFR Admit Card - DV for Apprentice Posts (26-08-2022)

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22-08-2022 RRC NFR Admit Card - DV for Apprentice Posts (26-08-2022) Admit Cards,Interview Schedule 26-08-2022

RRC NFR Admit Card - DV for Apprentice Posts (26-08-2022)

Railway Recruitment Cell Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) has issued official call letters for the documents verification to be held on 26-08-2022 for posts of Apprentice. Candidates who had applied for concerned post and have been provisionally eligible for appearing in the doc verification, may now get their admit cards through the provided online facility for the same. Admit card is to be carried during the doc verification, along with any other required document (s) as mentioned in the admit card, for verification purpose. Candidates must reach the venue well before the allotted time.


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