NIIST Final Result - Scientists, Sr Scientist and Principal Scientist Posts 02/2020

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Post Date Title Type(s) Visible Till
13-07-2021 NIIST Final Result - Scientists, Sr Scientist and Principal Scientist Posts 02/2020 Final Results 13-07-2022
24-03-2021 NIIST Result - Junior Hindi Translator 01/2019 Posts (held 12-02-2021) Test Results 24-03-2022

NIIST Final Result - Scientists, Sr Scientist and Principal Scientist Posts 02/2020

National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST) has released the final results for the posts of Scientists, Senior Scientist and Principal Scientist against notification No.02/2020. Candidates have been selected to the posts based on their performance in the interview and qualification. Interviews for concerned posts was held from 03-05-2021 to 12-05-2021. Offer letters will be issued to the selected candidates separately. Candidates should carry all the necessary documents at the time of joining.


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NIIST Result - Junior Hindi Translator 01/2019 Posts (held 12-02-2021)

National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST) has released the final results for the post of Junior Hindi Translator against the notification number 01/2019 .Candidates have been selected to the post based on their performance in written test held on 12-02-2021. Offer letters will be issued to the candidates separately. Joining formalities are mentioned in the offer letter. Candidates should report with all their certificates at the time of reporting. Wait listed candidates will be considered only if selected candidates report to fail.


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