National Health Mission Haryana (NHM Haryana) has enabled the online facility to obtain admit cards for written test to be held for recruitment to the Various posts 1/2022-23. Candidates that are looking forward to appear in the concerned test, may now get their admit cards for the same, by providing their registration / login details. Admit card is to be carried during the exam, along with any other identity proof as might be mentioned in the call letter, for the purpose of verification of identity. Make sure to reach the venue well before commencement of the exam.
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National Health Mission Haryana (NHM Haryana) has issued results for written test held on 24-04-2022 for recruitment to the posts of MLHPs cum CHOs. Candidates who had appeared in concerned test, may now get to know their result status, through the Issued PDF File for the same. Candidates shortlisted for next stage of selection process, will soon receive official communication regarding the same. Individual communication will also be received soon by the shortlisted candidates. Instructions mentioned therein will be needed to be followed with due care, to avoid any issues.
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