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Assam TET Exam Date - Teacher Eligibility Test (29-12-2024)

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10-12-2024 Assam TET Exam Date - Teacher Eligibility Test (29-12-2024) Exam Dates 29-12-2024

Assam TET Exam Date - Teacher Eligibility Test (29-12-2024)

Directorate of Elementary Education Assam (DEE Assam) has announced the examination date for the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET), which will be conducted for the recruitment of Assistant Professors. The test is scheduled to take place on December 29, 2024.

Candidates who applied for these posts and have been provisionally deemed eligible for the examination will soon receive their admit cards. The admit cards will be available either through individual communication or via an online facility. It is mandatory for candidates to carry their admit cards to the examination venue, along with any additional documents specified in the admit card for identity verification purposes.

To ensure a smooth experience, candidates are advised to arrive at the examination venue well in advance of the scheduled time. Adhering to all instructions mentioned in the admit card is crucial to avoid any complications during the examination process.


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